ICT company Waalwijk

Is your company looking for an ICT company in Waalwijk? Get in touch with Virtual Computing! With our 24/7 IT support and multiple solutions, we are a full-fledged ICT partner who would love to take charge of your ICT management. Want to know more about the possibilities we have to offer? Then read on and contact Virtual Computing.

IT support always available

We believe that IT companies should always be available when any calamities occur. Virtual Computing's 24/7 IT support is therefore also available for questions outside office hours. Our team, filled with experts in the field of ICT, is happy to help you with complex issues or small fires that need to be extinguished. This makes us very accessible to our clients.

company in waalwijk

What can we help you with?

ict company waalwijk

Request a free quote

Do you have special requests? We are happy to think along with you! Request a custom quote without obligation here.

working from home in the cloud

We are ready to answer your questions

Do you have questions about our services? Please contact us, we are happy to help.

The ICT partner

99.9% availability

Thanks to our twin data centres, we offer very high availability

Everything safely stored

Working in the cloud is extra secure with our 2-factor authentication


Our cloud solutions are fully adaptable to your organisation

Anytime, anywhere access

Using an Internet connection to work online anytime, anywhere

Explore with us the possibilities to solve your ict problems

Our ICT solutions

Working online



Ict management

What customers say about us

"For the KNBB, Virtual Computing provided a cost-saving online service combined with Telephony. Through linking, we also included the NDB in this solution making cooperation between both parties possible. Data of the KNBB is only accessible to them themselves, in addition they have the possibility to exchange data via a shared drive between both organizations."

KNBB - Willem La Riviere

"Dental practice Tilburg started a new and modern way of dentistry a few years ago. Due to the rapid growth of the practice, they needed an IT structure that would grow with it. Patient information should be present at all locations and the choice for an online service was obvious. Virtual Computing realized for Tandartspraktijk Tilburg the first Dental online service which even includes support for state-of-the-art 3D X-ray."

Tilburg Dentist Practice - Liedy van Rijswijk

"For GTA in Someren, Virtual Computing built a complex online network. Controlling metalworking robots, Cad/cam in the cloud and a full-fledged Sharepoint setup form the basis of this hybrid online service, which more than 50 people work with daily. Thanks to HA techniques and the Twin Datacenter, GTA can use Virtual Computing's online services 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

GTA - Wilbert Linders

"Especially for the VVV in Alkmaar and surrounding areas, Virtual Computing has set up a cost-efficient cloud and telecom solution. Thanks to this setup, the costs for automation have gone down and by choosing Virtual Computing, VVV Alkmaar also has a better, faster and more stable network than before.

The cloud at the VVV is linked to Exact and the point of sale system, which means that administration, data and cash registers can be worked with at several locations. In addition, the system is linked to the Virtual Telecom solution, making the integration between IT and Telecom complete as well."

VVV North Holland - Marcel Serlier

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Are you looking for an ICT company in Waalwijk

Is ICT not for you, but do you see the importance of an optimal ICT infrastructure? Contact Virtual Computing today. We will gladly take over your ICT management and relieve you of your worries with our various ICT solutions.

company in waalwijk