Software for

Looking for the perfect cloud-based software for your dental practice? Streamline appointment management, securely store patient data or improve team communication This dental software offers everything you need, completely in the cloud. Make your practice more efficient while providing exceptional care. Switch today and experience the difference.

Hosting of dental software

Virtual Computing offers cloud hosting for your dental software. This means less worry about updates, security or server maintenance. Wherever you are, access to your software is just a click away, so you can focus on your patients and practice. Cloud hosting for your dental software means that you do not store the software on your own computer or server, but on a secure online place realized by Virtual Computing. This allows you to access your software and patient data anywhere you have internet access.

cloud-based solution

What can we help you with?

software for dentists

Want a free 30-day trial?

To help you make your choice, we offer the opportunity to try our services for free and without obligation.

online planning

Need a free quote?

Are you interested in dentist software in Virtual Computing's cloud environment? Request a customized quote without obligation here.

What software for dentists do we host

Virtual Computing has partnered with about four parties to take your practice to the next level. All specialize in the dental industry. We are certified in hosting these programs.

Oasis Dental




Focus on treatment of your patients

You went into dentistry to make a difference in the lives of your patients. But there are days when administrative tasks demand your attention. Virtual Computing is here to bring that balance back. We host the software built to relieve you of repetitive tasks so you can spend more quality time with your patients. From automated reminders to easy billing, we've thought of everything. Let technology work for you so you can do what you love.


Virtual Computing: secure and reliable

Everything safely stored

Working in the cloud is extra secure with our 2-factor authentication


Our cloud solutions are fully adaptable to your organisation


Safety above all else. That is our maxim. 

99.9% availability

Thanks to our twin data centres, we offer very high availability

Optimize business processes

A smooth workflow is crucial to the success of your practice. At Virtual Computing, we believe automation is the key to streamlining your business processes. Patients are constantly coming into your practice and you want to provide them with optimal care. You need all the attention you can get. When Virtual Computing hosts the software, you can easily manage patient appointments, automate billing and view real-time inventory updates.

We eliminate repetitive tasks, reduce human error and, most importantly, save valuable time. This means you can spend more time providing the best care, while our software works behind the scenes to keep your practice running efficiently and smoothly. Less administration, more focus on the patient. That's the power of automation at Virtual Computing.

Customized solutions for your company

Our approach focuses on hosting personalized software for dentists, designed specifically for the needs and challenges of your practice. From advanced calendar scheduling features that can accommodate different specialists within a group practice, to customized reporting features that provide insight into specific treatment efficiencies and patient satisfaction.


dental software


In addition, we offer integrations with other systems you may already be using in your practice, such as accounting software or digital imaging systems. The goal is to house not just a software product, but a complete solution that grows and adapts to the needs of your dental practice. By working closely together and holding regular feedback sessions, we ensure that your software continues to meet the highest standards of functionality, ease of use and reliability.

dental practices

Would you like more information?

The future of dentistry is digital and Virtual Computing is ready to guide you through this. Do you have questions about hosting these softwares, would you like to know in detail what we can do for you or would you like to see practice examples? Our team is here to support you. Find out today how we can transform your practice with our advanced solutions.

cloud-based software