We offer you a complete online workplace at a competitive price. You get unlimited storage and support. Moreover, we will convert you to the cloud for free. With FysioLogic Online you get, among other things:
- Comprehensive patient data, including COV check, retrieve package coverage via FysioVergoeding.nl, quick add via BSN (BSN Zorg Keurmerk RB+)
- Electronic calendar (use not required)
- Care Mail
- EPD for various disciplines: from very simple to very extensive, links with LDF (KNGF) and LDK (Keurmerk Fysiotherapie), NIVEL Zorgregistraties
- Taking measurement instruments online through PROMs Manager
- Homework exercises through SmartFysio
- Links possible with other EPDs: PhysioRoadmap and AbaKus: if you were already working with these, you can continue with them without data loss if desired
- Very good claims system, with more than 500 internal controls and therefore very few errors and quick payment by health insurance companies
- Complete accounting
- Management Information
- Many other links (Fa-Med, NotaCollect, Accounting packages, CQi via Qualiview or MediQuest, etc., etc.).
- Real help desk with knowledgeable people who do not read out lists, but really do their best to resolve issues. Normal phone rate, free callback service
- Affordable for any practice, with excellent value for money
Through our contact form you can request a sample pack. We will send you a sample package as soon as possible.